Being the only Asian country to be selected in the Arthur's Day Celebration, it was a once in a lifetime chance to be celebrating Guinness 250th Anniversary in Sunway Lagoon, Malaysia.
My friends and I were filled with anticipation for the day to finally come and we can't wait to watch The Black Eyed Peas perform on stage. We reached Sunway at about 6.30p.m, and the place was already packed with people, mostly wearing black - the theme of the night. Despite the crowd, we managed to get a rather good spot where we could still see stage from where we were.
The concert started off with a Taiwanese singer, followed by some local and outside band from Hong Kong. After waiting for more than two hours for the BEP to perform, everyone was getting anxious and restless. From behind we could hear people gettting pissed off and started to scream "We want Black Eyed Peas!!"
Everyone in the crowd went crazy and started screaming, jumping, and screaming some more when the BEP finally went on stage. The crowds were 10 times louder than it was before the BEP, and people kept screaming "Fergie!!!", "Will.i.am!!" "I love you!!" throughout the BEP's concert. The concert ended with their song 'I gotta feeling' and there were fireworks after.
It was a good good night, everyone of us were exhausted but in spite of that, we had a good night watching the BEP. Just one thing tho, it felt empty cheering 'To Arthur' without a glass of its signature beer - Guinness in hand. Otherwise, it would've been a great night, considering the ticket price we paid for.