Silver8 is a body conditioning product that has just been launched on the 31st of October by SAB Company.
This product is suitable to be taken by EVERYONE, doesn't matter if you are a child, a teenager, an adult or an elderly person. It doesn't even matter if you're under-weight, normal-weight, over-weight or obese! This product is absolutely for EVERYONE because everybody wants to have the perfect body.
I've been taking this product for 6 days now, and although my BMI is in the normal-weight range, I take this product to condition my body because I have some extra skin on my arms and tummy that I've been trying to get rid of but never succeeded.
Anyways, after 6 days taking this product with some light exercise I feel as if I'm in the sauna all day long. My body feels hot and I sweat like a horse! This is due to the increased in metabolism rate and the fat being burned.
I also noticed that my arms are firmer and a little bit tucked-in compared to before. It's amazing to see that in only six days you can feel the difference! I am aiming to get the perfect body with this product, because it's patented ingredient, the
QUATROC is just truly amazing!
The best part that I like about this product is that you can continue eating like normal and continue eating your favourite food without feeling guilty of putting on weight, because you won't! That's the best thing about this product that I feel. I eat my favourite food and still can lose weight! How great is that??!
For more info on this product,