When I say it's you that I want, I very well mean it. It's not like I simply say those words to you. In everything I do, it's you that I first put my priority on. It's you that matter most to me.
I would never take you for granted, for I know that a person like you comes once in a lifetime, and I won't risk that by doing anything stupid. No one else means to me as much as you do, no one else comes close to on how I feel for you, no one else would ever make me feel the way that you do..and you gotta trust me on that.
I've never been happier, and you are the reason for that. I've never loved anyone the way that I am with you, it makes me feel all the wonderful feelings and I am addicted to it, simply because of you. It would be stupid of me to even think of throwing and losing it all away, it would be stupid of me to ever want to stop loving you.. Although you always say I'm stupid, but dear..in this matter, I am not, and never will.
And, I just hope I make you feel the way that you make me feel..cos how you make me feel is just so damn great!
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