We saw a sign that said "Hot Spring" before reaching Raub, and we decided to go have a look at it and maybe freshen up a bit. The drive to the hot spring was really nauseating cos it has many turns and the road is quite small for a two-way road. After a long 10 km drive, we finally reached our destination. It was a shocker!!
It was not as what we anticipated it to be. It was filthy and it was not well maintained - I doubt that it's ever been maintained. After seeing the condition of the hotspring, we continued our drive to Bentong to fill our stomach. There we saw another sign that says "Chamang Waterfall". I tried to get the route on my GPS but I got a map to Fraser Hill waterfall instead. Since it was still early, we decided to go and have a look at the Fraser Hill waterfall, and after the wedding reception, we will go to the Chamang waterfall.
After driving for more than 20 km to the fall, we decided to make a U-turn when we realized it's still a long way to the fall, and we won't make it in time to the reception. After the reception, we headed straight to the Chamang waterfall. The road to the waterfall was unbearable and the road was under construction, which makes it dangerous if there happened to be an oncoming car. But luckily, we reached our destination safe and sound.
I was really excited to see the waterfall, it's been so long since I last went to a waterfall. We didn't plan to swim that day, but after getting our feet into the water, we can't help ourselves but to go into the water! The water was really cold and the current was quite strong, which made us ended up sitting on rocks to stop ourselves from being swept away by the current.
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