Last week or so while window shopping my friend and I saw a small clearance sale and we thought of dropping by a while to see what are the things on sale.. Then while browsing around, we saw a board game, and we thought it might be fun to play it at home, it was a Monopoly board game.
We played that night and after how many years of not playing it, both of us has forgotten the rules, the dos and donts of the game..but what the heck, we continued on playing like how we remembered it.
After playing it a few times, the next day we finally agreed to look up how the game is played with the correct rule applied. My friend came across a website on Monopoly and it turned out that you can play it online in this website.
I was easier to play since all we need to do was wait for our turn and click, click,click.. I can't get enough of it and I continued playing it all day for 4 days straight! Well, I ate and bathe of course, but most of the time, I was in front of my laptop clicking and clicking, playing Monopoly. I could never have imagined to be addicted to this game. *sigh*
But after playing it online for so long, I kinda miss playing it on the board game.. to have the real feeling of buying and trading. And of course, playing it on the board game with friends means you can laugh and argue with your friends - which I think makes it more fun and interesting.
I think I'll pull out the board tonight, and play with friends instead...
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