When I first open the sachet I wasn't expecting green powder at all, so I was kinda thinking twice whether to consume it or not. After adding chilled water n shaking the drink in a shaker, I was surprised for the second time - the drink turned into pinkish colour!
When I consumed the drink, it kinda tastes like ribena, it's like drinking some kind of juice. I drank the first sachet early in the morning with an empty stomach and after 30 minutes or so, I had my breakfast and then I had my lunch n dinner then I slept.
I am suppose to drink it twice a day - the first thing i drink after waking up and the last thing I drink before bed. But I wanted to see the effect if I drink only once a day.
Anyways, the next day I woke up kinda late and I went to the toilet after 30 minutes of waking up. I usually had a hard time getting my business done, but that day, I just sat and it came out smoothly, I looked in the bowl before flushing - it floats! After finishing, I drank the Fibrena again before my breakfast and after an hour or so, another call from nature =_=".
Today is my third day consuming the drink and this morning, I'm happy to report that it's another smooth floater.. hehehe :D
So, what's the thing with 'floater' and 'sinker' anyway?? Well, normal stools are about 75% water. Fibre in your diet holds onto water, making stool soft as toothpaste. This signifies a healthy stool. Years ago in the Saturday Night Post magazine, there was an article about the importance of having poop the floats - and it's still true. If your poop doesn't float, you're not getting enough fibre in your diet.
So, why is it important for us to know our poop?? Here's why..
Perfect Poop - A bulky stool that is as soft as toothpaste and floats is the perfect poop.
It has many health advantages, and fibre is the key to it all:
* soft stools pass through the colon more easily and quickly that those that are hard as rocks
* there is less straining therefore less chance of getting diverticulitis (small colon hernias) and decreased risk of hemorrhoids
* high fiber diets lower blood cholesterol and fight obesity - keeping thin reduces risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease
* fiber contains vitamins and minerals, but has few calories - it fills up the stomach and reduces the hunger reflex
So, the next time you poop, make sure it floats.. :D (I wanted to put my perfect stool pics here but that would be too gross.. =_=")
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