Life is indeed a funny thing. Sometimes you think you've got it all figured out, you've got things under control. But one sunny day while you're whistling your favourite tune, 'smack!' - a slap of reality hits you.
Reality - what is it actually? What does it has to do with life? Why do we need to face reality to really live? A friend always told me how unrealistic I am, how I live in a world that I've created and how I do not see the realism of things around me.
Yes, I'm indeed a daydreamer. A daydream believer if I might add. Sometimes, it's hard to be happy without a little bit of help from the clouds above the head. It makes you hope for something and see the better version of things.
But I guess one cannot have enough dreams to permanently be flying sky high. Like it or not, the feet eventually will touch the ground and there you'll feel the utmost pain striking slap on the face followed by the sound 'Riiiiing!! Wait for it.. ah, here comes the part that you've never liked - r.e.a.l.i.t.y.'
I've gone through so far a bunch of realities that I did not wish to face - but I did eventually. It was always a slow process for me, but later (not sooner) I'll get around it. But unlike these petty realities that I've gone through, I am aware that I am yet again trying hard not to face the realism of the matter that I am going through now.
I am not ready to walk on solid grounds. I am not ready to let go. I know I'll once again be hit by that dreadful slap - I'll take it twice if I have to, but please don't rush me out of this one. I will eventually be out of this but at the moment do bear with me - flying high in the skies..
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