The perfume warehouse sale has yet again arrived at Corus Hotel!! The sale is up to 70% and it is open from 10am till 6.30pm. I Went to the perfume warehouse sale today to get hold of the branded perfumes being sold there. Since today is a weekday and also the first day of the sale, I did not expect to see many people there. But I was wrong, there were lots of people coming in and out of the place with big white plastic bags filled with perfumes. It was crazy in there!!

Agua Fresca de Rosas

Visa and Mastercards transactions are available for minimum purchase of RM80
Agua Fresca de Rosas

People were grabbing everything they could get hold of and everyone was busy testing all the perfumes being sold there. I of course did not miss out the chance to try each and every one of the perfumes there, till my whole body smells mixtures of all the perfumes! I think there were no parts of my body that I did not spray with perfumes!
The perfumes available at the warehouse sale are GAP, MNG, Nautica, Paris Hilton, Moschino, Guess, Antonio Banderas, Givenchy, Miss Sixty, Kate Moss, Esprit, David Beckham, Ferrari, Versace, Paul & Joe Cosmetics, etc. For the Paul & Joe Cosmetics, they sell eyeshadow, lip gloss, foundation, etc with prices ranging from RM30 to RM50.
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