Public Emenies is a movie about a well known bank robber in the America during the Great Depression - John Dillinger. Before watching the movie at the cinema, I did a little research on John Dillinger to get a feel on what was the movie about. But of course, as any other Hollywood movies, especially with actors such as Johnny Depp and Christian Bale, watching it was more interesting rather than reading about it cos it's impossible to get your eyes off the screen when those two are on it.
Truth be told, when the movie started I already planned to snooze off since I was quite tired prior to the movie. But as it turned out, I watched the movie all the way through. Although the movie was quite slow but it gets you hooked on it cos although Dillinger was a dangerous bank robber and was responsible for the murders of several police officers, still, it gets you hoping that he won't get caught or shot to death.
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