To be honest, have no idea that there's a movie now showing called 'The Prince of Persia'. I wasn't sure as to wanna watch it or not cos I was afraid that it would be another 'The Clash of the Titans' movie. But since there was no other movie available to watch (except for Sherk, but that one I KIV for later, heee)I just agreed on watching it.
To my surprise, the movie was quite good. I like the plot and I love the acting, it's not the like the Clash of the Titans movie where the hero is always moody and angry and makes the whole movie sucks (no offense to any of Clash of the Titans fan.. =_=")
As usual, in every movie I watch (especially fiction ones) I tend to dream of any interesting and desirable things in the movie.
For instance, in the Prince of Persia movie, gawd, how I wish I could get hold of that dagger! It would make my life so much better!
Sands of time, how I wish you are now in my hand. I won't go back time so far to the past, I won't let any hurricane to happen, I just want to go back to yesterday and buy the jackpot number for today, LOL!
If only I could...
Anyways, this is suppose to be a review, so, here goes.
The beginning past of the movie is an attention grabber. The story is simple, a boy threw an apple to a Persian guard to save his friend and the King saw the courageous little boy and adopted him as his own son, but in that simpleness, I got hooked to the movie from the beginning till the end.
And there's a twist in the story where I predicted the next scene, and I got it wrong. I would rate this movie a 4/5, a must watch movie too.
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