As compared to the first one, I guess the second one is funnier but I still prefer the first one 'cause I am not satisfied on how easy was it for him to defeat the electric-swooshing enemy, Ivan Vanko. I guess I expected more from the the movie, and it failed to deliver. *sigh*
The drive home from the movie was a silent one, I cracked my head real hard to find a point to talk about the movie, but all there was was about how we were not satisfied on how easy the villain was defeated. This is the kind of movie it was - "the-nothing-to-talk-about-after" movie.
The next day after attending a seminar, without thinking twice we found ourselves on the highway heading for Mid Valley. We plan to watch Toy Story 1 ans 2 in 3D but there was only one show at 12 p.m. that day. It took us about 30 minutes to decide what to watch that day; Shutter Island, The Date Night or Haunted Room (Who Are You). After much discussion, finally we agreed on watching a Thailand horror movie, Haunted Room. I was really excited to watch the movie since Thailand is famous for their horror movies. I think what made me more excited to watch the movie was the fact that one of my friend is a fainthearted person, I just love to watch her reaction when it involved things like ghosts or anything that is scary. Never failed to make me laugh till my tummy hurts.

The movie was so-so, it was not something that you will get nightmares from. At one point I find the movie very touching and sad - the love of a mother for her child. If I were the mother in the movie, I too would probably be as she was. Anyways, for me the movie though very short felt like an eternity to end. I fell asleep in the middle of it waiting for the supposed ghost to appear. This movie I rate 2/5 in terms of its scare-level - only the sound effect makes you at the edge of your seat.
The next day, we spent yet another evening in Mid Valley for another movie. Two movies to be exact, we went there to watch the limited release of Toy Story 1 & 2 in 3D!! I've watched the movies for a gazillion times and I just can't get enough of it, so it was no problem for me to watch the movies over again.

The 3D effect was not that big a deal tho for me; but I don't know, maybe I expected too much out of it. For me, sitting for more than 3 hours watching those movies was not a problem, just that wearing those 3D glasses for a long period of time kinda makes you feel a bit dizzy and get blurry eye sights.
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